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Showing posts from September, 2018

Continuous (self) improvement - a personal note

It's a standard Saturday morning and I'm sitting working on my phone at the kids' dojo while they practice sparring drills.  Their coach is giving them some feedback and I'm returning to feedback in this post. When I wrote the last blog on Continuous (self) improvement I was thinking about it in the abstract and although I had many real-life examples in mind, I was then confronted with an opportunity to share an instance almost immediately after it occurred. I write this the morning after a team social occasion (aka leaving drinks) and although I don't drink (medical reasons - don't judge me...) my colleagues certainly do.  These events can be fertile ground for picking up people's feelings and frustrations at work. Sometimes a shared rant is a bonding exercise Sometimes it's an opportunity to let a teammate feel listened to. And sometimes it's a chance to learn how people feel about you or your performance. Over the years it...