I received a very earnest email from a senior IT director that implored us (the unwashed masses) to provide feedback on how 'empowered' we felt.
'Great' I thought. I chance to voice an opinion, vent some frustration and maybe, MAYBE, even help to change things for the better (no, I'm neither delusional nor stupid - I didn't believe that last one for a second).
I had a quick glance round the office to make sure my boss wasn't around - he'd have spotted the dip in productivity with a blindfold on at a thousand yards.
I clicked the link (after the usual concerns that it was a test of how easily we might be caught out by phishing scams) AND...
Because as I flexed my fingers over the keyboard I couldn't think of any examples where a lack of empowerment had hamstrung me.
So I refreshed myself on the concept:
That brings us to one of my favourite watchwords: BALANCE.
On the one hand
I want to be empowered
to get on with my projects
without constantly needing
to seek permission
'Great' I thought. I chance to voice an opinion, vent some frustration and maybe, MAYBE, even help to change things for the better (no, I'm neither delusional nor stupid - I didn't believe that last one for a second).
I had a quick glance round the office to make sure my boss wasn't around - he'd have spotted the dip in productivity with a blindfold on at a thousand yards.
I clicked the link (after the usual concerns that it was a test of how easily we might be caught out by phishing scams) AND...
Because as I flexed my fingers over the keyboard I couldn't think of any examples where a lack of empowerment had hamstrung me.
So I refreshed myself on the concept:
Without any empowerment we would, essentially, be subject to a prescriptive and highly inflexible regime. Trotting out 'projects by numbers' slowly, inefficiently and with the minimal possible creativity. Approval gates, formal boards and the ticking of process boxes would cast into shadow the actual project delivery. (Who am I kidding, we all know someone who's worked somewhere like this)
But empowerment can't be the granting of ALL powers to ALL people. That would be anarchy. The Developers would all be working on some really esoteric issue that they think is interesting while Production bugs would go untamed. The testers would probably be found wherever there was a good source of tea and the Business Analysts would abandon the whiteboards and start drawing process maps on every conceivable surface.
On the one hand
I want to be empowered
to get on with my projects
without constantly needing
to seek permission
On the other,
I want access to
senior management for
support, for escalations
and sometimes, even,
(now and then) for direction.
I want to be empowered to:
- choose my own approaches to delivery, documentation and reporting (to some extent)
- move, share and redeploy my resources in a way that keeps the highest priority work moving.
- speak to and work with all internal and external suppliers and customers
- be honest in my communications
- make decisions (at an appropriate level) without recourse to higher powers
And therein lay my issue as I sat pondering the requested feedback.
I am already empowered to do the things I should be empowered to do.
I can already imagine my colleagues raising an eyebrow and mentioning the things that hold us up:
- getting access to specialist resource
- 'colleagues' in remote locations who work completely differently and hold us up
- parts of the organisation who insist on paperwork over productivity
- slow/broken kit
- not having the right tools for the job
None of these are insurmountable obstacles and occasionally there is an opportunity to make an improvement that we can grab. But these tend to be small and covert tweaks (the conference phones we 'acquired' from an undisclosed location so we could actually use our meeting rooms. 2 years of trying to get permission went nowhere so we had to go rogue.)
The things that really hurt our productivity generally require large spends.
And while empowerment is an excellent buzzword to make us feel like we're in control of our own work-lives, we will NEVER be empowered to spend this sort of budget without starting our own company.
If empowerment means we're abandoned to suffer without support from above then it's no solution at all.
- Empower us so we can understand the landscape
- Give us a way to feedback our blockers and improvement ideas
As opposed to :
- Tell us we're empowered but just give up supporting us.
- Request regular feedback
- Ignore all feedback
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