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Showing posts from January, 2018


I received a very earnest email from a senior IT director that implored us (the unwashed masses) to provide feedback on how 'empowered' we felt. 'Great' I thought.  I chance to voice an opinion, vent some frustration and maybe, MAYBE, even help to change things for the better (no, I'm neither delusional nor stupid - I didn't believe that last one for a second). I had a quick glance round the office to make sure my boss wasn't around - he'd have spotted the dip in productivity with a blindfold on at a thousand yards. I clicked the link (after the usual concerns that it was a test of how easily we might be caught out by phishing scams) AND ... NOTHING Because as I flexed my fingers over the keyboard I couldn't think of any examples where a lack of empowerment had hamstrung me. So I refreshed myself on the concept: Without any empowerment we would, essentially, be subject to a prescriptive and highly inflexible regime.  Trotting o...